Klaus Schonfeld

Klaus Schonfeld en kite buggy

Le petit mot de Klaus :

Kitebuggy at low end of the powerrange mustn't be boring. 

At Les Hemmes we're playing around a lot with our buggys and kites.

Every day our skills rise and so do our personal bests.
Soon I'm going to break through the 50 km/h wall ... Jared -G2436- already did, he's aged 15...
Les Hemmes Diary is the third part of our 2015 Tetralogie "Clash Of Kites".
It's a mixture of 4 years buggying at Les Hemmes and includes our best scenes of the past and approx. 50% scenes of July 2015.
It's a diary ...
Many thanks to all Family Kiter NRW!
The Soundtrack is selfmade: Cinematrix Language by semisweet (Klaus-Peter Schoenfeld). "

La vidéo de Klaus :

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